Gareth Gates歌曲:19 Minutes歌词


Gareth Gates歌曲:19 Minutes歌词

最近小编在刷抖音的时候刷到一首非常好听的歌《19 Minutes》,下面就由嘛歌词(小编来为大家介绍下这首歌和它的完整歌词。


19 Minutes歌曲介绍



19 Minutes歌词

Singer:Gareth Gates
Album:Pictures Of The Other Side
LRC Produce By:ShaneZheng(QQ:295374467)
19 minutes since you hung up the phone
I m already seeing the dark shadows growing
I wonder what you re doing right now
do you hurt,like I hurt
19 hours and I can t fall asleep
I ve turned all the lights on
but the shadows are creeping
And all around the room that was our sacred space
I can t breathe
I m incomplete
Look what you ve done baby
Look what I ve become
I m just bleeding,I m bleeding
And it doesn t stop
I don t wanna put you down
but I feel like I ve lost my crown
And the words that you left me don t pay
Pay me for my pain
19 days free to do what I want
To hang out late with the shadows I know
What I want I can t have,what I have I don t want
Yeah,I want you back
Look what you ve done baby
Look what I ve become
I m just bleeding,I m bleeding
And it doesn t stop
I don t wanna put you down
but I feel like I ve lost my crown
And the words that you left me don t pay
Pay me for my pain
And suddenly the words we re scared to speak
Become the words that release us
Look what you ve done baby
Look what I ve become
I m not bleeding,I m breathing
And the pain s gone away
I don t wanna put you down
Cos I feel like I ve found my ground
And the words that you left me just say
That all in good time hurt will fade
You ve paid me for my pain
Gareth Gates-19 Minutes
Pictures Of The Other Side


上一篇 2022-01-28 14:24
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