Joshua Radin歌曲:Everythingll Be Alri歌词


最近小编在刷抖音的时候刷到一首非常好听的歌《Everythingll Be Alri》,下面就由嘛歌词(小编来为大家介绍下这首歌和它的完整歌词。


Everythingll Be Alri歌曲介绍



Everythingll Be Alri歌词

Way down, in New York town
Thinking about the way she loved me
There‘s a hole in my pocket
That‘s about her size
But I think everything
Is gonna be alright
Yes I hope everything
Is gonna be alright
The smiling face, straight in LA
The gifts are found at the bar
But I wish my car
Could drive to her tonight
Then I‘d know everything
Is gonna be alright
Yes then I‘d know
It‘ll be alright
The rain in New Orleans, forgot to end
But the mouths of the people are d


上一篇 2022-08-15 12:02
下一篇 2022-08-15 13:01


