李秀英歌曲:And I love you歌词


李秀英歌曲:And I love you歌词

最近小编在刷抖音的时候刷到一首非常好听的歌《And I love you》,下面就由嘛歌词(www.mageci.com)小编来为大家介绍下这首歌和它的完整歌词。


And I love you歌曲介绍



And I love you歌词

give me love and money
give me love and money
give me love and money

a diamond life
is just what i need
pleasure and joy forever
get what i can get
'cos life is a bet
no pleasure and pain together
but you know for sure
there is something i miss
i'll let you guess
i know you will get it
'cos i would forget everything
for a kiss
but if you've got some money i know
it would be better
give me love and money
give me your love my baby
give me kisses honey
i deserve the best you know it
give me love and money
i have the rest already
love and money coming from you
is what i need
give me love and money
give me your love my baby
give me kisses honey
i deserve the best you know it
give me love and money
i have the rest already
love and money coming from you
is what i need

a shi


上一篇 2023-06-13 19:27
下一篇 2023-06-13 20:29


