Pink Floyd歌曲:One Slip歌词


Pink Floyd歌曲:One Slip歌词

最近小编在刷抖音的时候刷到一首非常好听的歌《One Slip》,下面就由嘛歌词(小编来为大家介绍下这首歌和它的完整歌词。


One Slip歌曲介绍



One Slip歌词

We've come so far, don't let this slip away
and I can't let go,of what you've done
we've tried so hard, we've pray for better days
please don't let go, don't let this slip away
I just want you to know
If we're going down
we all go down together
and thats the way it is, and I know
we'll stay like this forever
I'm standing here
I'm standing by your side
There's something left
There's something left for you here
There's something left for you here
If we're going down
we all go down together
and thats the way it is, and I know
we'll stand like this forever
I'm standing here
I'm standing by your side
If we're going down
we all go down together
and thats the way it is, and I know
we'll stand like this forever
I'm standing here
I'm standing by your side
We've come so far, we've tried so hard.
please don't let go, don't let this slip away


上一篇 2021-12-28 09:15
下一篇 2021-12-28 09:15


