Queen歌曲:In The Lap Of The Gods歌词


Queen歌曲:In The Lap Of The Gods歌词

最近小编在刷抖音的时候刷到一首非常好听的歌《In The Lap Of The Gods》,下面就由嘛歌词(www.mageci.com)小编来为大家介绍下这首歌和它的完整歌词。


In The Lap Of The Gods歌曲介绍



In The Lap Of The Gods歌词

I live my life for you
Think all my thoughts with you and only you
Anything you ask I do for you
I touch your lips with mine
But in the end I leave it to the lords
Leave it in the lap of the gods
What more can I do?
Leave it in the lap of the gods
I leave it to you
Leave it in the lap of the gods
Leave it in the lap of the gods
I want you to
Leave it in the lap of the gods
Leave it in the lap of the gods
Leave it in the lap of the gods
Lap of the gods


上一篇 2021-12-27 08:15
下一篇 2021-12-27 08:15


