Ryan Adams歌曲:Tears Of Gold歌词


Ryan Adams歌曲:Tears Of Gold歌词

最近小编在刷抖音的时候刷到一首非常好听的歌《Tears Of Gold》,下面就由嘛歌词(www.mageci.com)小编来为大家介绍下这首歌和它的完整歌词。


Tears Of Gold歌曲介绍



Tears Of Gold歌词

Tears Of Gold
One day we are young
And by the next one we are old despite the years
And tears of gold precede the rapture
Time has its way with everyone
In its path, she combs her hair
And tears of gold fall on the grave
Tears of gold
Tears of golden restraint
As evidence of the pain that we feel inside
Maryann settle down,
let’s bring the band around, how ‘bout?
And we’ll sing you to Heaven and back
Laura-Lee sets the food out on the tabletop for us
And when she asked Maryann to say grace
Maryann settles down wiping tears of gold from her face
Where we are strong by tomorrow we will grow weak and disappear
Our families all gather round to remember
Where we are flesh and blood, by the next one
We are dust under the wheels
Without a love, we are only ashen urns of silver
Tears of gold
Tears of golden restraint
As evidence of the pain that she feels
Tears of gold
Tears of gold promise the rapture and heal the soul
Replacing the tears of gold with music, and laughter
Tears of gold
Tears of gold


上一篇 2021-12-26 16:15
下一篇 2021-12-26 16:15


